Archero 2 Wiki and Guides


From Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Archero 2 has a variety of Events that happens either regularly, occasionally or it's a one-time thing. Participating in the events on the regular basis will allow players to get variety of rewards and boost their progression speed.

One-time Events[edit | edit source]

One-time events are available only once during the game, these are available at the start of Archero 2.

Regular Events[edit | edit source]

Regular events are daily, weekly, monthly or scheduled rotational events, that can be used a steady source of additional resources for upgrading your Hero. Most of the Regular events are daily activities.

Occasional Events[edit | edit source]

Occasional Events may reappear in the game, but they do not have a specific schedule for a full list of previous, ongoing and upcoming events please visit the Archero 2 Discord and go to the "Events" channel.

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