Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Ultimate Beginners Guide

From Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Archero 2 Ultimate Beginners Guide will help new and experienced players to get better understanding of the game, explain its game mechanics, good and bad skills, strategy for specific events and game stages and list overall tips for the players to get better at the game. It's part of Archero 2 Guides series, where you can find the rest of the guides on the game. It will help both F2P and Paying players, but overall it's written from the F2P Perspective.

You also might want to take a look at Tips and Tricks and FAQ pages for less structured tips and help.

Early Game[edit source]

As you start your game, you will have 2 main goals:

  1. Unlock as many game mechanics by progressing the game
  2. Complete Carnival.pngCarnival Event for the new players in order to get Dragon Knight Crossbow.pngDragon Knight Crossbow

Here is an order of activities you will need to do to progress. If some of them are missing or locked for you now, just skip them:

  1. Claim Free Silver Chest and Obsidian Chest Daily
  2. Check Events.pngEvents and complete them if you are able to do that. Always do your Daily Dungeons and event and try to progress in each of those. Do extra daily tries that are available for watching an Ad.
  3. Follow the Daily and Weekly Tasks List and to get all the rewards.
  4. Push Sky Tower Icon.pngSky Tower when you can, those rewards will help to get more Gear.pngGear and Runes.pngRunes.
  5. Do the Guild things (Free Donation and Monster Invasion)
  6. Push Chapters.
  7. Farm Hunts once you can't push Chapters anymore.
  8. Spend extra Energy.pngEnergy on replaying Chapters to farm extra resources.

Beginners guide video that covers most of the topics.

By doing all the steps daily you will quickly unlock additional game modes, extra events and all game features that will allow you to farm more resources per day.

Gear[edit source]

All the Gear.pngGear up to a Epic tier can be safely fused. After that pick a set that you like and work on that, foddering other set pieces. Do not fodder S gear, only normal gear.

There are 6 sets in the game, with a normal and S variants. The S gear gets major Quality Skill at Epic tier, while normal gear gets it at Legendary. Also S gear can be upgraded all the way to the Mythic tier, while normal is limited to Legendary +3.

Here are the available Gear sets that are currently available in Archero 2:

    • Echo Armor.pngEcho and Oracle Light Spear.pngOracle will provide combo-based bonuses and are suited for high attack speed builds. Echo Armor.pngEcho Set is considered most F2P friendly option.
    • Armor of Destruction.pngDestruction and Dragon Knight Crossbow.pngDragon Knight will provide AOE bonuses to deal with enemy groups easier.
    • Armor of Decisiveness.pngDecisiveness and Griffin Claw.pngGriffin will provide close range bonuses and great for Circle Builds, but require good reaction and knowledge of enemy attack patterns to avoid them in time.

The easiest way to get Gear are Mythstone Chests, but they cost Gems. Early on it's a good way to spend Gems, since gear upgrades will drastically improve your performance. Mythstone Chests rotate with 3-day interval with the following order: Griffin > Oracle > Dragon Knight. Oracle or Dragon Knight sets are considered more new player friendly, so pick one and focus on that, it will govern your overall build and skills selection during the run.

As you will get more gear options you can start fusing it in the blacksmith. Never merge S tier equipment unless you are absolutely sure about it. You can upgrade equipment all the way to Epic without worrying too much, since you will only use gear duplicates. Afterwards you will have to use fodder, sacrificing other gear. Check Gear.pngGear page for more details on the Gear merging.

Spend most of your Gold.pngGold on the gear upgrades, prioritizing left column (Weapon, Amulet, Ring), as it gives more ATK Power. Right side (Armor, Helmet, Boots) gives more HP. Focusing on highest tier equipment is the best option, since it will give more flat stat bonuses.

Gear guide video that will help you to get more familiar with Gear mechanics:

Skills[edit source]

Archero 2 offers Rapid Fire.pngSkills randomly making it harder to follow the specific build. The best beginner tip is to adapt and focus on the skills you get during the adventure.

There are currently 2 main builds in the game that will fit newer players: Archer and Circle Builds.

Archer builds focused on long-range attacks and keeping a distance from the enemies. It's main source of damage is weapon that is being amplified by picking Skills that boost ATK, ATK Speed and provide additional effects for the arrows. Main benefit of this build that it's easier to avoid enemy projectiles and stay alive while you are learning enemy movesets. The drawback is relatively lower DPS that the Circle Build.

Circle build is focused on Rotating orbs that orbit the player. Picking Skills that offer new orbs or making them stronger is top priority as well as getting the skills that will boost close-range efficiency. Main benefit or Circle build is higher mobility and damage, but you have to be close to the enemies and know how to properly avoid their attacks. Also, reaction time matters as well.

Each of those builds should be supported by proper Gear.pngGear and Runes.pngRunes.

Gems[edit source]

There are multiple ways how you can earn Gem.pngGems in Archero 2. While some are one-time opportunities, there are multiple recurring ways of farming Gems, even for F2P players.

Make sure that you do all quests and daily activities to get all available gems per day, since they aren't easy to come by.

Although there is no overall consensus among the community that this is my personal priority for F2P gems spending:

  1. 60% Gems goes to Mythstone Chests for the Gear.pngGear
  2. 40% Gems Goes to Wishing to get Demon King's Eye.pngArtifacts

The problem is that at some point your gear progression will get stuck a bit and new Artifacts will provide you a decent stat boost. Pulling enough S tier equipment to rank it past Epic will require a lot of Gems, so make sure you are patient enough.

Events[edit source]

Most of the Events.pngEvents in Archero 2 appear in the game occasionally and on some sort of rotation. Early on, your main goal will be finishing Carnival.pngCarnival. It will guide you through the main game elements, but will require quite a dedication in order to get most of the rewards.

Make sure to take part in other events that are available for you to get extra resources and rewards.

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