Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Archer Build Guide

From Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Archero 2 Archer Build will highlight best combination of Gear.pngGear, Runes.pngRunes, Rapid Fire.pngSkills for the long-ranged projectile based build that is focused on main weapon damage. It's part of Archero 2 Guides series, where you can find the rest of the guides on the game.

Archer Build is based on using projectiles or beams to do damage to do damage to the enemies. It can utilize the range bonus damage using Long-Range Power.pngLong-Range Power skill that will allow you to keep distance from the enemies and have easier time avoiding the incoming projectiles and damage.

Archer Build Pros:

  • Great Long-range damage
  • Distance from the enemies that allows to avoid unnecessary damage
  • Boss fights are less reliant on knowing their move patterns
  • High utilization of Combo bonuses for Echo Armor.pngEcho and Oracle Light Spear.pngOracle sets.

Archer Build Cons:

  • Medium DPS
  • Low mobility

This Video will showcase and explain Archer Build in more detail:

Skills[edit source]

For Archer Build you would like to take most of the +ATK and +ATK SPD Rapid Fire.pngSkills that you come across. Focusing on your extra projectiles might also be a good idea if you will eventually get Tracking Eye.pngTracking Eye for enemies tracking.

If you have Tracking Eye.pngTracking Eye your projectiles will become homing projectiles and will try to follow the enemies. It makes Diagonal Arrows.pngDiagonal Arrows a great bonus single target DPS source. In case if you use beam weapon or got Energy Beam.pngEnergy Beam Backward Arrow.pngBackward Arrow will always hit the enemy as well, even if it's in front of the player.

Energy Beam.pngEnergy Beam is great with this build, especially if you use a non-beam weapon. The main drawback that it will cause your attacks to have charge up. It can be mitigated by properly increasing ATK SPD or picking Weapon Enchantment.pngWeapon Enchantment.
Weapon Enchantment.pngWeapon Enchantment is a debatable skill to pick though since it significantly lowers the ATK and ATK SPD, resulting in lower DPS. But it allows you to keep moving and shooting at the same time which makes it really valuable for harder Boss fights, tough levels, keeping the Combo up and using Charging skills more effectively. So it's up to your judgement if it's worth taking it in the run or not.

Gear[edit source]

You can use both Echo Armor.pngEcho/Oracle Light Spear.pngOracle and Armor of Destruction.pngDestruction/Dragon Knight Crossbow.pngDragon Knight sets for the Archer Build Gear.pngGear.

Echo/Oracle sets will most likely yield more single target damage and will help more against the bosses and areas with lower enemy density but will require to build up combo to be most effective. It can be problematic with some bosses and situations but can be solved through Weapon Enchantment.pngWeapon Enchantment skill.

Destruction/Dragon Knight sets will add additional AOE damage, but some of those triggers from the defeated enemies, has some delay and might be problematic to use against bosses. But with the Chapters where you have to survive for period of time and Tower floors it will help to clean enemy hordes way faster and easier.

For the Weapon it's possible to go with either Beam Staff.pngBeam Staff/Oracle Light Spear.pngOracle Light Spear or Heroic Longbow.pngHeroic Longbow/Dragon Knight Crossbow.pngDragon Knight Crossbow. Staff will provide additional Combo based bonus DMG and add Beam attack from the start, while Arrow weapons will add a bit of extra AOE.
Early on Dragon Knight Crossbow.pngDragon Knight Crossbow is a great option since it can be acquired from the Carnival.pngCarnival Event. Later on it will depend on your play style and pick of the gear.

In any case decide on one type of S gear and build towards it.

Runes[edit source]

There are not that many Runes.pngRunes for the Archer Build. Focus on the ones that provide additional weapon damage and utilizes the attacks. Adding Poison/Burn damage might be a good option as well.

Here are recommended runes for the Archer Build:

  • Blessing Runes:
    • Revive Rune.pngRevive Rune
    • Rabbit's Foot.pngRabbit's Foot
  • Enchantment Runes:
    • Sharp Arrow.pngSharp Arrow
    • Flame-Poison Seal.pngFlame-Poison Seal
    • Frost-Thunder Seal.pngFrost-Thunder Seal or rune of your choice for the secondary build option focused on one aspect.
    • Rune of your choice for the secondary build option focused on one aspect.
  • Ability Runes:
    • Arrow Rain.pngArrow Rain
    • Flame-Poison Touch.pngFlame-Poison Touch
    • Rune of your choice for the secondary build option focused on one aspect.
    • Rune of your choice for the secondary build option focused on one aspect.

You can substitute 2 slots for the Enchantment and Ability runes for the offbuild that you will use, pick something you like or experiment.

This way if you won't get lucky with the skills during the run for your main build, you can use the skills from the offbuild that will be buffed by runes.

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